The basic terms of servicing are following:
The software copyrights transfer brokerage contract is exclusive. This work takes much time and many contacts and negotiations, involving lawyers, often from different countries, and professionals in accounting and international taxation. If you're not ready for these terms - we can not accept your order.
Generally, the term of the contract is 6 months. Less time can be not enough to execute all works and achieve needed goals.
In our contract we define our commission for provided services. The level of our commission fee is normal for this market.
As a developer and software copyrights seller you must provide appropriate technical support for the new owner of your product after the deal will be finished.
Request the software copyrights selling brokerage contract.
Here: identifying of targeted potential buyers
Like in the scope of software distribution, we use a multi channel sales approach
But selling software copyrights is a more complex deal. With absolutely different targeted buyers.
Selling your asset in several marketplaces, social societies and other selling spaces, plus usage of direct sales - work better than using one or two channels.
But in this case we consider making direct offers like one of the most considered and potentially efficient sales channels.
The list of appropriate marketplaces and other sales channels for the copyrights selling we discuss with you on the stage of negotiations before signing the contract.
AD and promotion process:
Selling exclusive copyrights needs a more delicate and sophisticated approach, than ordinary sale.
In fact, selling full exclusive copyrights on a software product is de facto selling of investment assets. And the selling approach should be similar.
It is necessary to separate AD channels and sales channels.
AD channels - where we will place information about the selling asset. AD and promotion process is the set of our activities as a distributor for providing useful information to targeted clients - future buyers.
Sales channel - all channels where we can practically sell the product to the client, who is interested in this deal, and make the deal.
Sales channels - where potential buyers can get information about the product and to make the deal.
In our case, considering the nature of the product, we highly likely will make the deal after direct negotiations.