Integrated digital solutions distribution and promotion services
Comprehensive promotion for your product
The specific of distribution of integrated digital solutions:

Not only for us - but for your business

Compared with software products, distribution offering of integrated digital solutions involves more work, more people and is often connected with delivery and installation of physical equipment.

These circumstances determine answers on several questions:

  • In which countries can you offer your product?
  • How will you deliver physical equipment and provide physical works?
  • How integrated digital solutions which are offered by you, are usually purchased in targeted countries? Do they use direct purchasing or a tender form of purchasing?
  • Can you attract local partners in targeted countries for providing physical works, including some types of technical support?
  • Are there needed licenses on such works and services in targeted countries?
  • How will you provide technical support after needed equipment will be delivered and installed?
  • Do you already have technical documentation in languages of targeted countries?
These are only several questions.

Integrated digital solutions distribution and promotion services

Products to sell and distribute:
  • Complex / integrated digital solutions
  • Crypto industry solutions
  • Computer technologies in banking and finance
  • Computer technologies in medicine
  • Other
Software distribution services in digital format
How will we promote and sell your software products
The basic terms of servicing are following:
The software distribution contract is not exclusive. The signing of the contract does not limit you from selling the software products with any other methods and distributors.

Generally, the term of the distribution contract is 24 months.
In our contract we define our commission as a % of a final selling price of each license of the product. The level of our commission fee is normal for this market.

As a developer and software owner you must provide appropriate technical support for the buyers of your product.

Request the software distribution contract, sending the form of your software product, offered for distribution.
A framework of digital solutions distribution: step by step
Sending software documents:
software and solution description,
description of steps of solution works, duration of works, manual,
distributive for demo testing or a link to the SaaS product with demo enter - if applicable,
links to websites with already implemented digital solutions (if applicable),
terms of technical support,
legal documents on the software product,
legal status and legal documents on the software developer.
Timing: 3 days.
Confirming the terms of distribution, including sales channels, pricing policy, technical support service conditions.
Timing: 2-3 days.
Signing a software and digital solution distribution contract.
Often contracts on digital solution distribution are more complex and contain many specific details compared to software distribution contracts.
Timing: 5 days.
Depositing a copy of the software products, using within digital solution, in the independent repository (in case of out of business from the developer’s side all current clients should have the possibility to continue to use the software product).
Timing: 1 day.
Placing the information about selling digital solutions and software products in several sales channels.
When we sell SaaS products - we place links to the website of SaaS.
Timing: 1 channel - 1 day. 10 channels: 10 working days = 14 calendar days.
Sales of digital solutions and software products within it.
Timing: During the whole duration of the distribution contract: 24 months is a minimum term of the contract.
Accepting requests from potential clients, answering questions. Accepting technical requirements. Transfering ready orders to the service provider.
Monitoring of provided works for the client. Get feedback and send it to the digital solutions provider.
Timing: during all period of works.
Usually the customer makes payment under the agreed contract terms. In big projects payments are made by stages of work.
The distributor gets their commission from each payment transfer.
Reports to the software developer:
Number of sales.
Selling prices.
Buyers ID and their countries and languages for the tech support purpose.
Revenue and revenue with deduction of value added tax or sales tax.
Copies of documents of payments VAT or / and sales taxes in each country of the software products selling.
Invoice on commission fees.
Timing: Weekly: the 2nd day after each week.
Our goal of distribution of your integrated digital solutions - to sell more
Ready to start selling your digital solutions? Just send request